1. How do I check why my SKU was rejected?
Go to Products -> Rejected (Local SC) or Poor Quality (GSC) and you'll be able to see the rejection messages
2. I don't understand the Quality Control Comments
Please refer to this document (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lxJkwAqPodtR5qo2WRNU6TJObssfZ-5C_iU_EFV5pbA/edit#gid=0) on how to fix your SKUs for the common Quality Control Comments.
3. My SKU Rejection Reasons are not in the document above!
Please raise a ticket to SHD containing screenshots and the sample SKUs, you can raise a ticket here (https://seller-helpdesk.zalora-ops.com/en/support/tickets/new).
4. My File Upload Fails for Unknown Reason!
Please re-download a new File Upload template (as they are regularly updated) and try again.
5. SKUs are active in Seller Center but do not appear on the website!
Please verify that your SKUs are not Rejected or in the Poor Quality section. If they are really missing, please raise a ticket to SHD containing the list of missing SKUs, you can raise a ticket here (https://seller-helpdesk.zalora-ops.com/en/support/tickets/new).
6. My updated prices are not reflecting on the website!
Do note that price updates need to be approved by the QC team, do check if your SKU price upload was rejected by QC team (check the Poor Quality or Rejected section). If QC team has rejected your price updates, please reach out to your Account Manager or raise a ticket to SHD (with reason on why you are updating your prices). You can raise a ticket here (https://seller-helpdesk.zalora-ops.com/en/support/tickets/new).
7. My price updates were approved but the new prices are still not reflecting on the website!
Please raise a ticket to SHD containing the list of missing SKUs, you can raise a ticket here (https://seller-helpdesk.zalora-ops.com/en/support/tickets/new).
8. I would like to know more about Product Creation & Update.
Please visit the Seller Academy Section of this Knowledge base. You can click here (https://seller-helpdesk.zalora-ops.com/en/support/solutions/articles/76000057792-product-upload-update).